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Advocate for injured California farm workers applauded for work

On Behalf of | Jun 8, 2012 | Workplace Injuries |

A California woman is earning lauds for her continued work in advocating for low-income agricultural workers’ access to state assisted health care. Her work, which has been undertaken over the course of the past 10 years, has been focused on providing certain California workers, many in the seasonal farming business, with health care for issues that they developed as a result of being injured on the job.

Despite the accolades, attorney Dori Rose Inda has been quick to point out that the successful work she has performed has been as much due to other organizations who believe as strongly in the cause as she does.

The woman’s work has resulted in hundreds of low-wage workers being afforded proper treatment for their workplace injuries. Inda has also been able to obtain financial support for the injured workers to assist their families throughout the course of their treatment. Much of this work has been summarized in a recently released book that provides community health care providers vital information on providing treatment for the individuals Inda advocates for.

Regardless of the wage being earned, it is every California residents’ right to be compensated for the damages they suffer as a result of being injured on the job. The joint efforts of individuals like Inda and supporting organizations have furthered the fulfillment of those rights to those who are often left unprotected.

As a result of such work, individuals are able to continue to assert their rights to ensure that they and their families are protected if an unfortunate accident causes them to be unable to perform their work place duties.

Source: WatsonvillePatch, “Adovcate for Farm Workers, Health Care Applauded,” Jennifer Squires, May 22, 2012
