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Do I Really Need A Lawyer?

When you are injured or unable to work, it can be difficult to know when you need to hire a lawyer. Processes such as workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can seem fairly simple, and there are forms you can find online to submit a claim. Likewise, after a serious personal injury, you may receive a settlement offer from an insurance company. In these situations, you may feel that you can just handle your case on your own.

However, if you do handle your injury, workers’ comp or SSDI case on your own, you risk losing out on the full compensation you are entitled to receive under the law. With an attorney on your side, you can be sure that you have explored every option available to get you the compensation you need.

When Should You Talk To A Lawyer?

You should consider speaking with an attorney about your case if:

  • You have questions about the legal process. An attorney with experience handling cases like yours can answer your questions and address your concerns. Your lawyer can also provide you with a case evaluation and help you understand what you can expect going forward.
  • Your claim has been denied. Nearly two-thirds of SSDI claims are denied by the Social Security Administration each year. Additionally, workers’ compensation benefits may not cover the full costs of your injury and you may be denied the compensation you need. An attorney can help you navigate through the process and appeal any denied claims.
  • Your case is complex. If your case involves complex issues, an attorney can help you build your case and represent your interests in negotiations and the courtroom. For example, if you were injured at work but your injury was caused by a third party, then your case will involve two areas of law: workers’ compensation and personal injury. These cases can overlap and it is necessary to work with an attorney who handles both types of cases in order to ensure you receive full and fair compensation.
  • You are unsure what to do next. Any type of injury claim or SSDI case can be confusing. By working with a local attorney who has experience handling cases like yours, you can get the support and guidance you need to feel confident in the decisions you make about your case.

Free Consultation With A Lawyer In Modesto

At The Law Office of Gary C. Nelson, we have decades of experience helping clients who have been injured and who are unable to work. We offer free initial consultations so that you can get answers to your questions and learn how we can help you. Call 209-222-4089 or contact us online to schedule an appointment about your case.