The Law Office of Gary C. Nelson

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My Injury Makes Work Impossible. How Will I Cover My Lost Wages?

If an on-the-job injury leaves you unable to work, you may wonder how you will make ends meet given that you are no longer able to earn a paycheck. Fortunately, you may be eligible for disability payments under California’s workers’ compensation law.

However, the amount and duration of your workers’ comp disability benefits may vary depending on the severity of your work-related injuries. For instance, California’s workers’ compensation system has two primary categories of disability benefits:

  • Temporary disability benefits: If you lose wages because your injury prevents you from working while you are recovering, then you may be able to collect temporary disability benefits. Generally, these benefits will cover two-thirds of your pre-tax wages while you are recovering, although there is a maximum weekly amount you can receive. These payments often continue until you return to work or your doctor says your injury has improved as much as possible (maximum medical improvement).
  • Permanent disability benefits: If your work-related injury or illness results in a lasting disability that permanently impacts you ability to earn a living, you may be able to collect permanent disability benefits (which normally start after your temporary disability benefits end). A judge or disability evaluator will calculate the amount of these benefits using a complex formula that takes into account the date of your injury, your impairment level (measured as a percentage) and several other factors.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that the information above is simply a basic outline of the two types of workers’ comp disability payments available in California. In fact, there are many other details you need to be aware of if you wish to maximize all available benefits, which is why it is always best to consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible.

Improve Your Chances Of Getting The Benefits You Deserve

If you have questions about disability payments or the workers’ compensation process in general, contact the lawyers at The Law Office of Gary C. Nelson for a free legal consultation. We will help you navigate the many complicated laws and make sure all sources of income are considered when determining your disability payments. You can call our Modesto office at 209-222-4089 or reach us online. You have nothing to lose, so take the first step and contact us today.