Any kind of construction work can be particularly dangerous. However, it can also be difficult to tell if someone has died as a result of a work injury or if they have an underlying health issue that has caused their death. For one California worker, it may actually be a combination of both that has led to his passing while on the job.
The 55-year-old worker was working at a construction site at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden. He collapsed and it is reported that he hit his head as he collapsed. Medical personnel were called and rushed to the scene. They took him to a hospital nearby but to no avail. He later died.
The man’s family has said he died of a heart attack. It is unclear what role hitting his head when he collapsed may have played in his death. However, an autopsy is planned to help clarify exactly what happened to the worker. CAL-OSHA is investigating the incident.
A work injury can lead to a whole host of problems and even death, especially when someone collapses and hits their head. Having answers may help this family deal with the tragedy and also may help OSHA determine if all was complaint on the work site. In California, if a work injury leads to death or someone dies of a health issue while on the job, the family left behind is entitled to certain rights and benefits, including financial benefits that can help them cope with the sudden loss of a loved one.
Source:, Worker Dies After Collapsing at Tennis Garden Expansion Project, Eddie Trent, Aug. 12, 2013