Farm work is notoriously difficult and strenuous. It can also be very dangerous considering the type of heavy machinery farms across the country use nowadays. For a California man working on a farm outside of the state, it became very dangerous as he suffered a work injury from the equipment he was using on a farm.
The 54-year-old man had been working with a corn husker machine. Something became lodged in the corn husker. The man attempted to remove whatever was stuck and was somehow drawn into the heavy machinery. His arms were reported crushed inside the machine.
Luckily, other workers were on the scene and were able to stop the machine from causing more injury and medical help was summoned for the man. The man had to be airlifted from the scene to receive medical treatment at a nearby hospital. It is unclear to what extent his arms were injured and what the long term affects may be as far as his ability to work again.
Whenever someone suffers a work injury this extreme, they may be unable to work for some time. They may even be unable to work at all and also have astounding medical bills or rehabilitation needs that can drain them financially. There are rules and regulations in California that protect workers who are injured at work and help them recover the costs of treatment and also lost wages. Any California worker should be fully aware of how these laws may apply to them if they are injured at work.
Source:, Seasonal worker from California injured in corn-husking accident, No author, Sept. 22, 2013