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Workers injured on the job, 1 injured fatally

On Behalf of | Sep 11, 2013 | Workplace Accidents |

Any kind of construction work can be particularly dangerous. However, even for residential construction projects, there are many nationally and state-wide regulations that help minimize the incidents or occurrences where someone may be injured on the job. While many California and near-by states enjoy a relatively low number of fatal or serious incidents where a worker is injured on the job, injuries and even fatalities can still occur as one recent accident proves.

To the north of California in Oregon, a construction company was at a house building a structure that was intended to be used as a shop when an accident occurred. When a wooden truss was being installed, it tipped over for some presently unknown reason. When it did, about a dozen other trusses fell onto a group of workers.

One of the men died at the residence from the accident. One other worker needed to be flown to a medical facility and had what was described as serious injuries. Two other workers needed medical attention but were only listed as having suffered minor injuries. The accident is currently under investigation.

In California and other states, there are rights and protections to help any worker injured on the job. If the injured workers need to take time off work to recover from their injuries, they are entitled to worker’s compensation to help them deal with daily finances and medical bills. It is vital that every worker is aware of their rights and knows exactly what kind of compensation they are entitled to.

Source: oregonlive.com, 1 worker killed, 3 injured in apparent construction accident near Sandy, Michael Bamesberger, Sept. 7, 2013
