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3 California construction workers injured on the job

On Behalf of | Apr 29, 2014 | Workplace Accidents |

Working construction in any capacity alongside a busy roadway can be a dangerous endeavor. Whenever cars or trucks are buzzing by as work takes place, there is a greater risk of injury or worse for those workers. A recent incident along a Sacramento California freeway resulted in three workers being injured on the job.

The accident happened in the late morning as a worker was moving a long piece of lumber. A tractor-trailer came along and hit the actual wood somehow. The worker carrying the 20-foot-long wood was knocked to the ground after the wood was hit. It isn’t yet known exactly how the other two workers were hurt during the ordeal or to what extent they suffered injuries.

The truck left the scene as the driver continued on his or her way after hitting the wood piece. Authorities believed that driver may not have realized what happened or that anyone was injured. One of the injured workers was treated at the scene and suffered a minor head injury. The two other workers who were injured were taken to a nearby medical facility for treatment of their injuries.

The workers who were injured may have had to miss work, endure costly medical treatment or require ongoing treatment that impacts their ability to do their job. In California and elsewhere, when a worker is injured on the job, that worker is entitled to certain worker’s compensation benefits. Those benefits can help them deal with lost wages, medical bills or other financial ramifications from being injured on the job.

Source: kcra.com, “Truck hits two-by-four at Fix 50 site; 3 workers injured“, Shawn Brouwer, April 23, 2014
