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California propane worker injured on the job recently

On Behalf of | Sep 22, 2014 | Workplace Accidents |

Any kind of work involving the handling, processing or delivery of gas and propane can be particularly dangerous as these are hazardous substances that must be handled with care. Any worker in the propane industry is highly trained about safety precautions for their own personal safety as well as that of the public. Yet, despite the training and regulations that abound the industry, accidents still occur and lead to workers being injured on the job. This was the case recently in California.

A worker was delivering propane through the use of a single tank service truck. The worker was in the midst of filling up a tank for an industrial customer when something went wrong. Something led to what was described as a “flashover” explosion.

Paramedics were called and sent to the scene of the explosion just before noon. The worker, described to be around 40 years old, was transported to a hospital for treatment of injuries. He was reportedly suffered burns over a great deal of his body, both in the second and third-degree. There is an ongoing investigation regarding the incident.

The California worker who was injured on the job in this accident may have a long road to recovery as burns can require lengthy hospital stays, surgery, physical therapy and other extensive treatment. Burn treatments may also be necessary over a long period of time. If a worker suffers from serious burns and needs time off work to recover, that worker should be able to rely on workers’ compensation benefits to help contend with lost wages and necessary medical costs. In California, a worker may benefit by becoming fully aware of their benefits and knowing what kind of compensation they are entitled to if a work injury does occur.

Source: dailynews.com, “Worker critically injured in Boyle Heights propane explosion“, , Sept. 16, 2014
