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Worker’s arms severed in industrial work injury

On Behalf of | Jul 14, 2015 | Industrial Workers' Accidents |

Over the course of an individual’s life, he or she may work in a variety of occupations. Although each position holds its own dangers, there are few occupations that put a worker in danger in California more consistently than industrial work. A recent work injury might have the injured worker filing for workers’ compensation benefits.

An industrial accident occurred in Escalon in the early part of July. A long-term employee at a local packing company was reportedly working on a cleanup operation for peeling machinery. While working on the machinery, he lost both of his arms due to a bilateral amputation.

Fire fighters and ambulance medics who arrived at the scene of the accident found the worker, who was believed to be in his early 60s, stuck above the equipment about 25 feet in the air. A make-shift assembly was used to lower the victim. Although a Life Flight helicopter was sent to the scene, the man was instead rushed by ambulance to a local medical center in order to save time. The injured worker’s current condition is unknown.

In the state of California, a worker is entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits when injured on the job. A properly navigated claim can often help alleviate some of the financial setbacks that are associated with a work injury, such as the worker’s lost pay as well as medical bills. Filing a workers’ comp claim can seem daunting to many, so most injured workers consult an attorney experienced in handling these types of claims in order to successfully navigate the process.

Source: mantecabulletin.com, “Packing house worker loses both arms in industrial accident in Escalon”, Glenn Kahl, July 2, 2015
