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Electrician suffers fatal work injury in accident

On Behalf of | May 4, 2016 | Industrial Workers' Accidents |

A 45-year-old man who worked as an electrician died recently in an industrial accident. The accident occurred in San Francisco on a recent Friday in April, officials said. When a California worker suffers a fatal work injury, the victim’s family is entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim for death benefits.

When co-workers found the Pleasanton man, he was unconscious. Paramedics arrived at the scene of the accident a short while later, but the man was pronounced dead at the scene. According to the man’s employer, Metropolitan Electrical Construction of San Francisco, the electrician was in the process of performing a tenant-improvement job at the site.

The California Division of the Occupational Safety and Health is currently investigating the fatal work accident. Apparently, it believes he was electrocuted. The office of the medical examiner conducted an autopsy in order to determine both the cause and manner of the worker’s death.

The workers’ compensation program in the state of California aims to  provide those related to and financially dependent on a worker with compensation death benefits when a fatal work injury occurs. This may include a spouse, child, parent or sibling. The main purpose of the benefit is to compensate dependent family members for the loss of financial support. This compensation is also often used to help defray some of the typical end-of-life expenses incurred by a decedent’s family, including medical bills and burial costs. The family of the victim typically chooses to consult an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to assist with this process.

Source: sfgate.com, “Pleasanton electrician mourned after SF workplace accident“, Kimberly Veklerov, May 2, 2016
