Most people are aware that filing any type of insurance claim can be a chore. In addition, insurance is not always willing to approve some claims, making it a frustrating system. Employees who file a workers’ compensation claim for an on-the-job injury may find it helpful to know that there are California attorneys who are familiar with handling claims in the complex system. One man’s case is an example of how some cases may benefit from the intervention of an attorney.
The man was injured as an on-duty police officer while trying to detain a teenager. Following evaluation of his injury, his physicians suggested a spinal surgery as part of his treatment for the injury, and the officer filed a workers’ compensation claim. The claim was denied.
His case had a recent court hearing in which a judge made a ruling that was in the officer’s favor. The hearing was to establish whether or not the man’s previous non-related back injury could constitute a valid reason to deny the claim for the surgery; the judge ruled it was not. Unfortunately, the hearing did not rule that they surgery could be approved, and more hearings are likely to occur.
Dealing with pain, not working and having difficulty obtaining necessary medical treatment can all result in stress for an employee. It is unfortunate that many employees have a difficult time with the workers’ compensation system as it can be a benefit when it works well. Many employees find a California attorney a benefit when filing a claim and any difficulty that may occur following submission.