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Workplace accidents: Man’s fall through roof results in death

On Behalf of | Oct 16, 2018 | Workplace Accidents |

The United States government has recognized that some industries need assistance in education, policies and safety standards to promote a safe environment for employees. Workplace accidents can result in serious injuries for an employee, expensive medical bills and time away from work to earn an income. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a government agency that helps promote worker safety and exists in every state, including California. In addition to helping promote safety and accident prevention, OHSA often investigates serious accidents. The federal agency is currently investigating a construction accident that occurred in another state that resulted in a worker’s death.

A plumbing supply company was having a warehouse rebuilt by a construction crew when the accident occurred. The 59-year-old worker was on top of the roof to repair or replace some skylights. In the process, he fell through the roof 30 feet to the ground.

The man suffered serious injuries, including a head injury and a significant loss of blood. He was transported to a nearby medical center, but he did not survive. The construction work has been halted by an order of the local government, and OHSA has a pending investigation of the construction company and accident. Initial reports indicate that the roof may have been unstable to support the worker’s weight and could have had an impact on the man’s fall.

Not all workplace accidents are as complicated or as tragic as this one, but many do interrupt an employee’s way of life and ability to work. Families who suffer the loss of a loved one due to a work accident will also face significant adjustments in their life as well as unexpected burial expenses. California attorneys understand complex accidents and can aid victims in filing a workers’ compensation death benefit claim and/or a wrongful death lawsuit.
