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Construction workers’ accidents: Teenager run over by forkift

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2019 | Construction Workers' Accidents |

Several California construction workers recently witnessed a tragic and horrific accident of another co-worker while completing construction on an apartment building. Sadly, it is a reminder that construction workers’ accidents are not uncommon and can result in fatal injuries for workers. State laws require most employers to provide workers’ compensation insurance for all types of construction workers’ accidents, including fatal ones. Employees may be interested in the details of the recent construction accident that took the life of a teenage employee.

Construction was being completed on a future apartment complex when the accident occurred. A 19-year-old employee was providing guidance to a driver of a large forklift. The forklift was carrying a wide, heavy load of roof trusses as it backed up. The forklift driver reported losing sight of the teenage employee and backed into him.

Reportedly, employees rushed to the injured worker’s aide. He was reportedly not breathing and was unconscious immediately following the accident. Other employees, police and fire personnel all provided CPR and other emergency care in an attempt to save the man’s life. Sadly, the attempts were not enough, and he was later pronounced dead at a hospital. The accident was reported to The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is completing the pending investigation.

Tragic construction workers’ accidents are difficult for other employees to cope with, and they are understandably difficult for surviving families to deal with as well. While grieving, families must also handle expensive burial costs and other things following a loved one’s loss. The state of California manages a workers’ compensation insurance program that families of deceased employees can use to obtain benefits to cover medical and/or burial expenses. Attorneys familiar with the complicated insurance system are equipped to assist families with filing claims.
