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Man’s death believed to be result of workplace accident

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2019 | Workplace Accidents |

Depending on what type of job a person in California has, he or she may perform the same tasks repeatedly throughout the workday. Despite the repetition of these tasks, those that involve the use of heavy machinery, for example, hold the risk of injury. In fact, the recent death of a man in another state is believed to have been the result of a workplace accident.

According to reports, police officers were called to the scene during the afternoon hours of a day in August. Reports indicate that someone working at a business next to the one that employed the victim discovered the man. The 30-year-old victim was reportedly pinned between a front-end loader and a vehicle.

Police suspect that the man, who reportedly worked for landscape supply company, was attempting to load a container into the vehicle. Unfortunately, he became pinned while doing so. While no one else was involved and foul play is not suspected, the incident remains under investigation.

The vast majority of employers in California and across the country are committed to protecting the safety of their employees. Despite this commitment, a workplace accident can still happen. Without the workers’ compensation insurance coverage that employers are required to provide, such an incident can leave victims — including surviving family members in the event of a fatality — facing a stressful financial situation. Fortunately, these benefits can help with a variety of expenses stemming from injuries suffered at work. Because the process can seem daunting, many people who deserve such benefits ask for assistance from an experienced professional as they seek a fair settlement.
