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Man dies in fatal industrial accident

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2019 | Industrial Workers' Accidents |

In a single California workplace, there can be a variety of different hazards. While certain measures can be taken to protect workers from them, the potential risk can not be completely eliminated. Unfortunately, a man in another state recently lost his life in an industrial accident.

The accident happened around 8 a.m. on a day in mid-October. The victim, a 59-year-old man, was working at Nichiha work site. Reports indicate that he was a temporary worker who started at the site in August.

It is believed that a robotic arm knocked the man onto a conveyor belt. Once on the belt, debris crushed him. He was transported to the hospital where he passed away from injuries suffered in the incident. The coroner confirmed the cause of death as blunt force trauma. The company has since released a statement, asserting its commitment to determining how the accident happened and offering condolences to the man’s loved ones.

The unexpected death or serious injury of a loved one can leave victims — including surviving family members in the case of a fatality — suffering significant burdens, both emotional and financial. Because the risk of injury cannot be completely eradicated, employers in California are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance benefits that can help them cope with certain costs associated with an industrial accident, such as funeral expenses and medical bills. Additionally, these benefits can also help compensate for lost wages. Despite being entitled to this coverage, many people are unsure of what would be considered fair compensation and are unable to manage insurance negotiations during a time of recovery, prompting them to seek guidance from an experienced professional.
