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Can a fall at work cause paralysis?

On Behalf of | Apr 7, 2023 | Workers' Compensation |

Slip-and-fall accidents can happen anywhere, including at your workplace. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls were responsible for almost 20% of all workplace injuries in 2020.

For workers, many on-the-job falls are more embarrassing than painful. It is possible to suffer serious and life-altering injuries in a slip-and-fall accident at work, though. Indeed, you might develop temporary or even permanent paralysis after a fall.

Traumatic brain injuries

It is not uncommon for individuals to hit their heads when falling, of course. If your head collides with the floor or anything else, you might suffer a traumatic brain injury. Depending on the severity and location of your TBI, an injury to your brain can cause paralysis.

Spinal cord injuries

Your spinal cord traverses from your brain to your lower back and transports nerve signals throughout your body. During a slip-and-fall accident, bones, ligaments or disks can shift and impinge on your spinal cord. If this happens, you may lose your ability to move your limbs.

Musculoskeletal injuries

When it comes to potential paralysis, injuries to your brain and spinal cord are the most concerning. Nevertheless, musculoskeletal injuries might cause you to experience mobility challenges. That is, if you fracture bones, injure joints, tear muscles or stretch ligaments, you effectively may have some short-term paralysis.

Paralysis can adversely affect virtually everything in your life, including your ability to work. Ultimately, whether you have temporary or permanent paralysis due to a slip-and-fall accident at work, securing workers’ compensation benefits might be critical.
