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Wrongful Termination For Work Injuries In Modesto And Surrounding Communities

If you get injured on the job, you are supposed to be able to seek workers’ compensation benefits. These can cover a portion of your lost wages, along with the medical bills from the injury. Workers’ comp is basically a no-fault system, so it typically does not matter if you were responsible for the accident or not. If you were on the clock and you got hurt while performing the duties of your employment, you should be able to seek benefits. Your employers should have workers’ comp insurance.

Unfortunately, what sometimes happens is that companies do not want to pay workers’ comp benefits. To get around it, they simply terminate the injured employee when they file the workers’ comp claim.

At The Law Office of Gary C. Nelson, we understand exactly how frustrating this can be for workers, and we have over 30 years of experience protecting their rights. If you are in this position, rest assured that firing you over a workers’ comp claim is illegal and an example of wrongful termination. We offer legal guidance to workers in Modesto, California, and beyond, so we can help you consider all of your options. We will fight for your rights and the compensation you deserve.

A Serious And Willful Claim

Under California law, you may have a “serious and willful claim” revolving around your injury. This happens when there is a preexisting condition on the job site that is known to be dangerous. The employer has been informed about the risk to workers but has been negligent or has refused to rectify the issue.

If your employer’s negligence then directly led to your injury, it is a very serious legal issue. Employers are supposed to take reasonable steps to keep workers safe, even when there are inherent dangers to the job. Employers may attempt to protect themselves by wrongfully terminating injured workers.

Set Up A Free Consultation With Our California Worker Protection Lawyers

If you have been injured or wrongfully terminated, the fastest way to learn about your legal options is to set up a completely free consultation with our office. Just use the contact form or call 209-222-4089 today to get started.