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Chemical spill leads to an injured worker

On Behalf of | Jul 14, 2014 | Workplace Accidents |

Some industries are simply more dangerous than others. Any industry or job that requires the use of or transportation of chemicals can be wrought with dangers. However, despite these dangers, California and other states work hard to abide by strict safety standards and regulations to minimize the incidence of injuries. Yet, even with safety regulations in place, a work injury can occur and lead to an injured worker in need of help.

One accident recently took place at a chemical company. Workers were in the midst of off-loading a substance described as caustic soda. They were taking it from a tank when it began to leak. The material, which is 50 percent sodium hydroxide solution, leaked about between 2,000 and 3,000 gallons.

The leak led to a fire. The workers were evacuated, and a call was made for help in containing the situation. One worker was said to have been contaminated with the solution and had to be transported to a nearby medical center. The worker was 31 years old. An environmental cleanup crew will have to deal with the spilled caustic soda, and there is an investigation into the incident.

When authorities need to investigate an accident that has led to a work injury, that investigation may mean a company or industry needs to adopt new safety policies or work harder to reinforce the ones that are in place. In California, regardless of whether an investigation leads to changes or the assignment of fault, an injured worker has rights. Workers’ compensation in California and elsewhere can help a worker pay medical bills and can help that worker avoid financial problems due to lost wages he or she has incurred as a result of the accident.

Source: newschannel9.com, “Worker Injured After Chemical Spill At North Shore Business“, , July 13, 2014
