Construction work at a home can be just as dangerous as any other kind of construction work. A work injury that occurred recently at the California home of rock star Steven Tyler left a man injured as he was doing work on the outside of the residence. Steven Tyler was...
We’re On Your Side
Month: May 2013
Repairs in California neighborhood lead to work injury
Any kind of work involving electricity can be especially dangerous and can result in falls, burns or a wide range of injuries. Repairs to active electrical or gas systems can easily lead to accidents which ultimately increases the risks of a work injury for any power...
California company cited for death of workers injured on the job
Any kind of construction work can be especially dangerous considering the size of equipment and the weight of components used in construction work. There are naturally many regulations in place, yet a sometimes those regulations may be overlooked and workers can...
California worker suffers fatal work injury in Menifee
Any kind of work involving electricity can be dangerous to anyone involved. For one California worker, a work injury related to electricity proved fatal and others around were injured also. They worked for Southern California Edison.According to authorities, the...
California boss found at fault for death due to work injury
There are many legal safeguards for workers and protections to help employers ensure the safety and security of their workers, such as workers' compensation benefits for workers that become injured or die on the job. While most businesses in California stick to strict...