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Workers’ compensation claim may be filed for California worker

On Behalf of | Jun 2, 2015 | Workplace Injuries |

Many lines of work contain certain dangers and carry inherent risks. Some workers know that, in their line of work, it’s only a matter of time before they might be injured. When a worker in California is injured on the job, he or she is often entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim in order to help cover the medical costs and wages lost.

A recent workplace injury took place in San Francisco at the Museum of Modern Art. The incident occurred in late May at the museum’s construction project site. A worker fell about 20 feet from scaffolding which was within the shaft of a freight elevator.

The man was taken to a local medical center, where he was listed as being in stable condition. According to reports, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health was also on site to assist with the investigation. Though it is currently unclear how the worker fell or if all safety precautions were taken, the man will most likely file a workers’ compensation claim.

When a California worker is injured on the job, he or she can file a workers’ compensation claim. A successful claim, which offers financial compensation during recovery, will enable the injured worker to focus on his or her recovery, instead of on hospital bills and the loss of wages while being out of work. A knowledgeable and experienced workers’ compensation attorney is often among one of the first people contacted by an injured worker so that the attorney can help explain the situation, map out the claims process, and help the victim receive the compensation he or she duly deserves as quickly as possible.

Source: sfexaminer.com, “Worker injured in 20-foot fall at SFMOMA site“, Laura Dudnick, May 29, 2015
