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Construction worker injured on the job due to hit-and-run

On Behalf of | Jul 7, 2015 | Workplace Accidents |

Of all the lines of work that people find themselves in throughout their lives, many California residents know that working in construction can be one of the most dangerous. Between working with powerful tools and colossal construction vehicles, as well as dealing with the heights at which he or she must often work, a construction worker is exposed to an enormous amount of danger on a day-to-day basis. Needless to say, accidents occur, and workers are often injured on the job.

A recent car accident left one construction worker seriously injured. The accident occurred in Truckee, in the latter part of June. It occurred in the afternoon and resulted from the worker’s involvement in a hit-and-run accident.

The worker, a 51-year-old man, was working as a traffic regulator in a highly congested construction zone. As he was walking along the edge of the road, a vehicle struck him, and the driver then fled the scene. The victim suffered serious injuries and was rushed to a local medical center via life flight. A suspect was later arrested for the hit-and-run.

The victim in this accident may have a long road to recovery in front of him. However, the fact that he was injured on the job in California means that he has the option of filing a workers’ compensation claim. This type of claim can help alleviate some of the financial damages that are often associated with an accident, such as lost pay as well as medical bills. Consulting an experienced workers’ compensation attorney is often among one of the first steps in recovery.

Source: fox40.com, “Construction worker injured in hit-and-run“, Anisca Miles, June 30, 2015
