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2 California construction workers critically injured on the job

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2015 | Workplace Accidents |

Most people feel relatively safe going to work each day. With a few exceptions, performing normal job expectations does not place most workers in harm’s way. Construction, however, is one line of work that comes with a significant amount of risk. Many construction workers in California and across the country are injured on the job each year while performing their day-to-day job responsibilities.

On a recent Thursday morning, a construction accident occurred in another state. Crews were at work rebuilding a bridge when two construction vehicles collided. At the time of the accident, a worker was operating a fork truck when the vehicle suddenly lost its engine. Losing control of both the steering and brakes, the operator and vehicle barreled down a hill, striking a pedestrian who lived near the construction site and another worker before hitting a dump truck. Both vehicles came to rest in a hole where workers were placing a new pipe.

The driver of the vehicle was taken to the hospital by ambulance and treated for minor injuries. The two men who were struck by the fork truck were airlifted to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. According to officials, the two remain in critical condition. Both construction vehicles remained in the same spot for several hours after the accident while officials investigated the accident.

Anyone injured on the job has every right to seek legal advice and assistance after an accident occurs on the job. In the case of this workplace accident, the two workers are entitled to submit workers’ compensation claims, seeking to recoup some of the financial losses incurred due to lost pay and medical bills. Separately, the injured pedestrian likely has a cause of action for personal injury against the fork truck operator and the construction company. In the state of California, an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help individuals with similar types of legal claims.

Source: wbng.com, “Two airlifted to hospital after construction accident (with photos)”, Kerry Longobucco, Sept. 16, 2015
