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Construction worker suffers work injury in crane accident

On Behalf of | Jan 21, 2016 | Workplace Accidents |

A construction worker was seriously injured in a recent construction accident when a crane collapsed at the job site. The accident occurred in South Park on a recent Wednesday in January, according to a report from officials from the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department and the California Highway Patrol. When a California worker suffers a work injury like this, he or she is typically entitled to submit a workers’ compensation claim.

Authorities say the accident occurred around 1 a.m. A crane being operated on a freeway ramp was in the process of moving concrete barriers when it suddenly fell over. The ramp connected southbound Interstate 15, as well as westbound SR-94, and the accident resulted in traffic lanes being blocked for around five hours.

Due to the crane’s collapse, the accident’s victim became pinned between two barricades, authorities say. Co-workers freed the worker before emergency crews arrived. The worker was rushed to a local hospital in Hillcrest to be treated for a severe leg injury. An additional crane was utilized to right the fallen one, an official said. It is not currently known why the first crane collapsed.

When a California worker suffers a work injury, he or she may find him or herself unable to work for days, weeks or even months. When this is the case, he or she  might be faced with the prospect of mounting medical bills in addition to not being able to work. Fortunately, most workers are entitled to submit workers’ compensation claims to help them during this difficult time. Successfully filed, this type of claim can help defray some of the customary losses associated with being injured in a construction accident. Injured workers typically being this process by consulting with experienced workers’ compensation attorneys.

Source: 10news.com, “Crane collapses, pins worker on I-15“, Jan. 13, 2016
