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Construction worker suffers fatal work injury in trench collapse

On Behalf of | May 12, 2016 | Workplace Accidents |

A construction worker was recently killed in an out-of-state work accident that involved a trench collapsing on the man. The work injury that claimed the worker’s life occurred on a recent Wednesday in May. When California workers suffer similar fatal accidents while at work, their loved ones are legally entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim for death benefits.

The 22-year-old worker was performing work as part of a state transportation project to widen a local road. The 16-foot trench was located between the pavement of the road and a retaining wall. The man was completely covered by gravel and dirt when first responders arrived at the scene around 9:40 a.m., according to the local fire chief.

Dozens of firefighters attempted to free the man, but he died of asphyxiation, the coroner said. An autopsy will be performed at the Kentucky state medical examiner’s office. The fire department’s spokeswoman said the investigation will be turned over to OSHA, which arrived around 11:45 a.m. at the scene of the accident.

The California’s workers’ compensation program should provide death benefits to the family members who were related to and financially dependent upon the worker. This might include a spouse, parent, child, or sibling. The main purpose of death benefits is to ensure that dependent family members are compensated for their sudden loss of financial support. It is also often used to help diminish some of the typical end-of-life expenses that are usually associated with a fatal work injury of this nature — including medical bills and burial costs for which loved ones may be responsible. It is helpful to consult an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to assist with the process of submitting this type of claim.

Source: kentucky.com, “Construction worker is killed in trench collapse on Todds Road”, Michael McKay, May 4, 2016
