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Fatal workplace injuries leaves California family grieving

On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2017 | Workplace Injuries |

Flaggers and traffic directors are employed to ensure the safety of drivers in a congested or construction area. Unfortunately, one California flagger recently lost his life while trying to direct traffic and keep truckers safe in his place of employment. Fortunately, workers’ compensation insurance is available for victims of workplace injuries — and for the families of fatal victims — to help alleviate some of the financial stress created.

The 65-year-old-man was directing trucks as they navigated the landfill where he worked. He was hit by one that was full of trash as it backed up. Sadly, the employee died from his injuries at the scene of the accident. The California Highway Patrol and the local sheriff responded and investigated the accident. 

As required by law, the California Division of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration began investigating the accident immediately. An OHSA representative stated that the initial investigation indicated that the man’s death was likely an accident. Investigators will examine the truck and related equipment for malfunctions to determine if any employment training is necessary to help prevent future incidents. Records indicated that the landfill has had no other fatalities in the past.

Fatal workplace injuries can create significant financial stress for the surviving families. Spouses and dependents who have lost a loved one in a work-related accident are typically eligible for workers’ compensation insurance benefits to help alleviate some of the financial burdens, including funeral and burial expenses. Lawyers in California who have experience in workers’ comp law can advise grieving families and guide them in filing claims for all applicable benefits.

Source: benitolink.com, “Landfill worker struck and killed while directing traffic“, Adam Breen, March 16, 2017
