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Baby now fatherless after one of many logging workplace accidents

On Behalf of | May 18, 2017 | Workplace Accidents |

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the logging industry continues to be one of the most dangerous jobs that exists. Despite its known dangers and frequent workplace accidents, job seekers continue to work in the industry due to its higher entry level hourly pay compared to others. Not long ago, a California man lost his life in an unfortunate accident at a logging company resulting in his death.

The man was only 22 years old, and it was only on his second day of work when he died. He had been working two jobs in the restaurant industry, but with the birth of his child with his fiancé, he was drawn to the higher paying wages of the logging industry. His fiancé had lost a father and an uncle to accidents in the logging industry and was fearful for his safety.

On his second day of training the young man was being trained to be a choke-setter. As a choke-setter he was required to place cables around the trees to allow them to be pulled up the hill. He was killed when a falling log struck him. The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the accident, and records show that the logging company has not had a death to occur in seven years.

Although the man only worked for the company for two days, reportedly the fiancé and child will receive workers’ compensation death benefits. Reportedly, she is moving in with family and plans to return to work to support her daughter with the loss of her fiance’s income. Unfortunately, the workers’ compensation system is not always easy to achieve rightful compensation. Anyone that has lost a loved ones in a similar workplace accidents may seek the advice of an experienced lawyer to help file a claim.

Source: presdemocrat.com, “Death of Fort Bragg man is third logging tragedy for his fiancee“, Glenda Anderson, May 8, 2017
