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Construction workers’ accidents: Man injured on rail line

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2018 | Construction Workers' Accidents |

Many people in California are likely aware of the massive construction project occurring to build tracks for the new high-speed train. While the project is moving forward, it has not progressed without construction workers’ accidents. Recently, a worker was seriously injured while completing work on one of the work sites near the San Joaquin River.

A 48-year-old man was employed by a subcontractor working on the new high-speed rail line when he was involved in an unfortunate accident. Other workers report witnessing a large steel rebar structure fall on top of the worker. Reportedly, witnesses attempted to warn other workers in the path of the structure of the impending danger. It is suspected that the device that held the structure in place either malfunctioned or broke.

The structure only crushed part of the worker’s body. Although the worker has survived the accident, reports indicate that he suffered from broken bones, ribs, arm, collarbone and vertebrae. As a result of his injuries, physicians suspect the worker may be paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, construction workers’ accidents can be just as serious as this one and, in some cases, deadly. As in this case, workers may need life-long medical treatment following an accident on the job; obviously, the loss of the ability to earn an income is apparent as well. Fortunately, most employers in California are required to provide workers’ compensation for employees in the event of accidents such as this one. While the insurance is to help aid workers in the event of an unexpected accident, it is not always an easy process to file a claim. Many workers find comfort in similar circumstances by consulting an experienced attorney for advice and guidance.

Source: fresnobee.com, “Worker crushed by falling rebar at bullet-train site in Madera”, Tim Sheehan, March 7, 2018
